The 5 Most Common Types Of Car Accident Injuries

Thankfully, most car accidents don’t result in life or death injuries. Advances in vehicle safety features, changes in driving laws, and the increased use of seat belts have all helped to make driving safer than ever. Car accidents do still happen, and even if you are able to walk away from the accident, that does not mean you don’t have an injury that should be examined and treated. At Wellspring Health in Orange City, Daytona Beach, and Altamonte Springs, we provide chiropractic adjustments that are sure to relieve the pain you have from injuries caused by auto accidents.

The thing about car accident injuries is their potentially deceptive nature. What we may shrug off as simply a normal ache or pain from the accident may actually be a significant injury that could cause severe pain or discomfort or even become debilitating. Your body may begin to compensate for the injury without you noticing it until you realize that you experience a stiff back or headache every morning. At Wellspring Health in Orange City, Daytona Beach, and Altamonte Springs, we’ve seen numerous patients who were in car accidents decades prior to experiencing bothersome symptoms. Other injuries, such as whiplash, may not be apparent until several weeks or even months after the accident.

Visiting a chiropractor shortly after you’ve been involved in a car accident is the best way to make sure that you can identify and address any potential injuries before they become worse. A simple evaluation can diagnose car accident injuries, as well as address any lingering pain or discomfort you may be feeling.

5 Common Car Accident Injuries

Chiropractors treat a wide variety of injuries stemming from car accidents, including the five most common:

Early chiropractic care can help reduce inflammation, restore range of motion, and promote healing of injured tissues and ligaments in a non-invasive, non-surgical, and drug-free manner.

Be Aware Of These Symptoms

If you have been in a car accident — recently or years ago — and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, then be sure to make an appointment with our chiropractor in Orange City, Daytona Beach, or Altamonte Springs for a comprehensive exam and diagnosis. We can help uncover the root cause of your pain and provide effective treatment that will have you feeling better soon.

Symptoms To Watch Out For Include:

Contact Wellspring Health in Orange City, Daytona Beach, or Altamonte Springs for more information, and schedule your complimentary consultation and chiropractic adjustment today.

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