See What Medically Directed Weight Loss Can Offer You!

Have you struggled to lose weight on your own? Do you need direction on how to safely lose weight and keep it off? Medically supervised weight loss may be the answer and it’s available right here in Orange City, Daytona Beach, and Altamonte Springs at Wellspring Health! Contact us today to schedule your free evaluation.

What Is Medically Directed Weight Loss?

Medically directed weight loss is a supervised weight loss program that uses scientific principles and research to help patients address the root cause of their weight problems. It does not involve diet pills or surgery but instead focuses on good nutrition and healthy habits such as exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes to achieve weight loss goals.

Each plan is customized to the individual patient’s needs, taking into account their age and any medical conditions or injuries they may have. Each program is overseen by a licensed healthcare professional or a team of medical professionals. The team at Wellspring Health in Orange City, Daytona Beach, and Altamonte Springs will make sure the weight loss occurs in a safe manner and will provide the support and advice a patient needs to develop habits and lifestyle changes that they can carry forward once the program ends.

In some cases, the program is covered by health insurance. If you are not sure what your insurance will cover, then be sure to contact our office and we will be happy to help you get the information and answers you need.

What To Expect From Medically Supervised Weight Loss Programs

Medically supervised weight loss programs start with a full medical evaluation, including a review of blood work. The medical professional will talk with you about your weight loss goals, current eating habits, and lifestyle patterns. Additionally, they will review any medical conditions you have or are at risk of developing and any medications you currently take.

You’ll begin to work with a nutritionist to develop a healthy eating plan that reduces your calorie consumption. Throughout the program you will meet regularly with your supervising team who will track your weight loss success and monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, sugar levels, and activity levels to see how each is impacted by the program.

Medically Directed Weight Loss Programs Provide Long-Lasting Results

Medically supervised weight loss programs provide patients with the education, training, tools, and confidence they need to regain control of their eating and lifestyle habits to create lasting change and achieve weight loss success. This is perhaps the biggest benefit to medically directed weight loss programs.

If you have struggled with weight loss for too long or want to achieve long-lasting weight loss, then schedule a free evaluation at Wellspring Health in Orange City, Daytona Beach, or Altamonte Springs today. We can help you reach your weight loss goals!

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