Diagnostic Tests & Chiropractic Care

Obtaining a full recovery from your injury or ailment starts with a proper diagnosis. Sometimes patients come in to Wellspring Health and it’s simple for our Orange City chiropractor to identify the problem and recommend a corrective course of action. In many other cases, however, the problem is not as clear-cut. At times like this, we rely on in-office diagnostic tools and testing to help us identify the root cause of a patient’s pain so that we can develop a treatment plan. Contact Wellspring Health in Orange City, Daytona Beach, or Altamonte Springs to schedule a complimentary consultation today.

In-Office Diagnostic Testing Speeds Recovery

Wellspring Health in Orange City utilizes many different types of diagnostic tests to see into the body and identify conditions and issues that are causing pain or dysfunction. We believe that in-office testing is important — it allows us to obtain a quicker diagnosis, which means faster results for our patients.

In-office diagnostic services include:


X-rays make it possible for our chiropractor to diagnose a condition in minutes. Without this service, we’d have to send patients to an imaging center and wait for the images to be released, which could take several days.

Nerve Conduction Studies & Electromyography (NCV/EMG)

This test is used to diagnose nerve damage or destruction. NCVs and EMGs help us pinpoint the exact nerves that are impinged, which eliminates trial and error.

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (MSK US)

Ultrasound is invaluable in diagnosing strains, tears, sprains, and other soft tissue injuries. In-office diagnosis makes it possible for us to identify areas of concern and determine the best course of action.

Range Of Motion (ROM) & Manual Muscle Testing (MMT)

These tests digitally and manually measure strength and movement and can be used to assess joint integrity and flexibility.

Overall, in-office diagnostic testing provides our patients with better care and a higher quality of care. We are able to use tests to diagnosis conditions at the start of treatment so that we can select the best course of action. By offering these services in-office, we can easily repeat the tests and to evaluate progress as the treatment progresses.

Contact Wellspring Health In Orange City For Diagnostic Testing & Care

If you are plagued by chronic pain or are suffering with recent pain, then contact Wellspring Health at one of our three locations in Orange City, Daytona Beach, or Altamonte Springs today to arrange a diagnostic appointment and get to the root of your pain.

Services We Offer